ICT in Industry and Daily Life

ICT Definition

Stands for “Information and Communication Technologies.” ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications, focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.

In the past few decades, information and communication technologies have provided society with a vast array of new communication capabilities. For example, instant messaging, and video-conferencing. Social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google +.

Modern information and communication technologies have created a “global village,” in which people can communicate with others across the world as if they were living next door. For this reason, ICT is often studied in the context of how modern communication technologies affect society.

The Advantage of ICT :

  • Rapid advances in communications technology to facilitate communication between one place and another place.
  • Easy access to information for educational purpose.
  • E-commerce to facilitate business transactions for company or individual.
  • Facilitate the promotion and marketing of a product.
  • Virtual classroom or classroom-based teleconference that does not require the teachers and students were in one room.


The Disadvantage of ICT :

  • The rise of cybercrime.
  • Someone who constantly hang out with computers will likely be someone who is individualistic.
  • Decreased face to face communication.
  • Account hacker of an institution or individual that resulted in huge financial losses.


ICT used in industry

Computer-aided design (CAD) is now common in industry. ICT is most often used in mass production, as computer control makes it possible to produce many identical items very quickly. But ICT is also useful in small batch and even one-off work, as computer control enables complicated shapes to be produced more accurately than by hand. There’s two category in ICT for industry, Design and Production.


ICT in Design :

ICT can help with designing products in many ways :

  • Drawings, graphics and diagrams can be produced and edited using graphics or design software.
  • Writing and drawings can be combined using desk-top publishing (DTP) software.
  • Pictures of existing products can be scanned and used in graphics, photo-editing or DTP software.
  • Database packages can be used to record and analyze survey data.
  • Spreadsheet software can be used to make Gantt or other planning charts, to produce graphs and charts, and to help with costing projects.

 ICT in Production:

ICT can help with the making of products in the following ways:

  • Shapes printed onto card can be used for templates.
  • Text printed out can be glued onto sheet material and cut out.
  • Machines for cutting card and self-adhesive vinyl sheet can be used to cut letters or shapes. Complicated shapes can be cut more easily by machine than by hand.
  • Computer-controlled lathes can make a number of identical turned parts.
  • Computer-controlled milling machines can cut out shapes more easily than by hand, especially recesses in materials. Complicated shapes can be cut more easily than by hand.
  • Parts which have fine detail, or need to have accurately fitting parts, can be made more accurately than by hand or manual machine methods.

There also ICT application that used by many industry :

Standard Office Applications :

  • Word Processing such as Microsoft Word for writing letters or reports
  • Spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excels for analyzing financial information, calculations, or creating forecasting models
  • Database Software such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access for managing data in many forms, from basic lists
  • Presentation Software such as Microsoft Power Point for making presentations, either directly using a computer screen or data projector
  • Desktop Publishing such as Adobe InDesign, Quark Express, Microsoft Publisher for producing newsletters, magazines and other complex documents.
  • Graphics Software such Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for creating and editing images such as logos, drawings or pictures for use in web sites or other publications


Specialist Applications :

  • Accounting Package such as Sage, Oracle for managing an organization’s accounts including revenues/sales, purchases or bank accounts. A wide range of systems is available ranging from basic packages suitable for small businesses through to sophisticated ones aimed at multinational companies.
  • Computer Aided Design is the use of computers to assist the design process. Specialized CAD programs exist for many types of design: architectural, engineering, electronics, roadways.
  • Customer Relations Management (CRM) are software that allows businesses to better understand their customers by collecting and analyzing data on them such as their product preferences, buying habits etc. Often linked to software applications that run call center and loyalty cards for example.


The C part of ICT is Communication, there’s two kind of communication :


  • Internal networks usually referred to Local Area Network (LAN), involve linking a number of hardware items (input and output devices plus computer processing) together within an office or building. The aim of LAN is to be able to share hardware facilities such as printers or scanners, software applications and data. This type of network is invaluable in the office environment where colleagues need to have access to common data or programs.


  • External networks are used to communicate with people outside internal network. In this case the LAN will need to be part of a Wide Area Network (WAN). The Internet is the ultimate WAN, it is a vast network of networks.


ICT has many uses in many forms. Technology domination nowadays has influenced many expertise especially industry. In industry, ICT has been an important component in helping enterprise run industry through automation of tasks and system or technology to help enterprise improve their business or compete with their competitors. Also, in daily life technology also dominate the people socialites. They keep using their phone everywhere, like Einstein said:

“I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots”. Right now, what Einstein said is almost true, so don’t always depend with your phone, PC, or tablet. Go, socialize with other people directly, if that can’t be done, then what Einstein said is true. Although the technology is made to help the work of community, don’t make all the machine do all the work.





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